Looking to publish an online obituary to a local audience? Consider posting to the Reading Eagle.
For information on submitting an obituary, please contact Reading Eagle by phone at 610-371-5018, or email at obituaries@readingeagle.com or fax at 610-371-5193.
Obituaries are accepted from and billed to the funeral home handling the arrangements. Your funeral home will work with your family to place an obituary notice. Obituaries are accepted daily for the following day's publication between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Photos must be either delivered (Court Street entrance) or emailed to Reading Eagle Company by 6 p.m. daily.
Publish an Online Obituary on Memories
Looking to publish an online obituary to an international audience? Consider posting on Memories.
Memories offers a variety of formats for your online obituary, including the option to add a quote, image, or simply some heartfelt words which you can publish to our public board.
Online obituaries are searchable through Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and remain on Memories forever.
Publish an online obituary for a flat, one-off fee of $18.