Irish News Obituaries

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Founded in 1891, The Irish News is a daily newspaper located in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Its coverage primarily focuses around news in Northern Ireland, specifically Ulster. It is currently the only independently owned daily newspaper in Northern Ireland. It is owned by the Fitzpatrick family.

Searching to publish a tribute to The Irish News Obituaries?

Why not publish a respectful public tribute or create a loving private or public memorial on Memories, instead?

Our digital publishing platform allows you to customise your tribute or memorial with words, images, photos, and more.

Publish an online tribute

Looking to publish an online obituary to a local audience? Consider posting to Irish News.

Place a family notice on Irish News in their online or print edition, or both.

Irish News typically publishes obituaries, but they can also accommodate sympathy notices at your request.

Publish an online obituary locally on Irish News


Publish an Online Obituary on Memories

Looking to publish an online obituary to an international audience? Consider posting on Memories.

Memories offers a variety of formats for your online obituary, including the option to add a quote, image, or simply some heartfelt words which you can publish to our public board.

Online obituaries are searchable through Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and remain on Memories forever.

Publish an online obituary for a flat, one-off fee of $18.

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Skymorials Online Memorial

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