Looking to publish an online obituary to a local audience? Consider posting to The Augusta Chronicle.
Obituaries are written and submitted by funeral homes through memoriams.com and may be edited for style and policy. Your funeral home can assist you with details.
The deadline for the next day’s publication is 5 p.m. The deadline on holidays may vary.
The Augusta Chronicle obituary staff is available by phone or in person Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and by phone Saturday 2-4 p.m. The obituary desk is not staffed on Sundays. Call (706) 823-3351 or email obits@augustachronicle.com.
Browse The Augusta Chronicle Obituaries
Publish an Online Obituary on Memories
Looking to publish an online obituary to an international audience? Consider posting on Memories.
Memories offers a variety of formats for your online obituary, including the option to add a quote, image, or simply some heartfelt words which you can publish to our public board.
Online obituaries are searchable through Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and remain on Memories forever.
Publish an online obituary for a flat, one-off fee of $18.